Carte de Visite
Victorian Albums




Note 1.


Note 2.


Note 3.


Close up.



ca 1853-1854
USA, New York
Half case
Pink cheeks


Alfred from New York and his letters to Libbie.


Note 1

Dearest Libbie
How can I give up thus one
who has so long held the highest place in my
affections? Yes Libbie, I have long loved you and I was not
mistaken in thinking that my love was returned.
Oh Libbie I never knew how much I loved you
previous to our last conversation. How that last
interview has endeared you to me. And were it
not for the hope that at some future time I
may again hold sweet communion with you and may I
not add that some time we shall be united
I should indeed be miserable. Oh that I could
now speak to you and tell you all my love.
This is not the fancy of a moment. My affection
for you has never changed since I was first con-
scious of it, except as it increased. Oh how I
shall strive to deserve your love - But Libbie let
us ever remember to commit ourselves (crossed out: and eachother)
to the keeping of Him who knows what is best
for us and who will do all things well. You are
always remembered at a thrown of Grace by one.
May we not hope for an answer to our uni-
ted prayers? Yes and not only hope but plead
the promise of God that he will withold no
good from thou that walk uprightly. O trust
in God and in your prayers forget not him
that loves you as a part of his being.


Plead with God that he may guide me in the
selection of a calling and that he may grant suc-
ces in it. Plead for his blessing on our inter-
course with each other and let us ask in hum-
ble submission to his will that we may be
made mutual blessings to each other.
Libbie I could not speak what I felt that night,
my heart was too full. Let us know each
others thoughts more fully. I am sure my
confidence will not be misplaced. May
God ever bless you. This is the sincere Alfred
Write to your friend.


Note 2

12 o'clock
(Mr Rickerson - The Catskill Whig has a stir-
ring defence of the Hon. Mr. Rickerson, who has)

(Catskill is an area in New York)


Lessons from Tupper.
Libbie. Read poem communion on
page 99 and the one following on
page 102. Look at the one which
follows the last. Libbie.
"Keep thinking" AL

("Tupper" could be Martin Farquhar Tupper, an English poet,
but I can't find any poem by him called "Communion".
He did wrote poems about a King Alfred.)


Note 3

Accept from the hand of
your Alfred these trifles.
He hopes soon to see you
and to have an opportunity
of talking over thou matters.
Yours ever,


Kindness, (...)